Monthly Archives: May 2012

How to spice up your LinkedIn profile with cool characters

Hi people,

There’s nothing wrong with being different like, why would we all want to be like everybody else? One in a dozen? Showing a bit of personality is character and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be different from the rest. So instead of being a white or a black sheep be a blue one. As blue is just one of my favorite colors ☺

It all comes down to be different to the wright occasion, you like to be noticed or get somebodies attention. In some LinkedIn profiles you see people have stars ★ or cute little hearth ♥ around their name. Everyone is free to do that of course but in my opinion I would keep that for Facebook and keep LinkedIn as your business invite.

☃ ♚ ☠ ☭ ♘ I guess you guys get the picture.

So what can you do?
I decided to use special characters in between keywords and for bullet points, just because it reads easier and of course we like to show the people who showed interest in you how cool we can be. And hopefully they remember us as the guy or girl with that proper LinkedIn profile.

So how do we do it?
Of course you can use the characters from your keyboard but then you’ll only upgrade your status from a white sheep to a grey one. We want to be cool but annoying. The other way is copy and paste the characters from LinkedIn profiles you come across or select your own by using the Windows Character Map under accessories.

Just choose a nice font (MS PMincho is nice) look true the characters which one will suite your purpose. A phone ☏  in front of your number or an envelope with e-mail just remember don’t overdo it. Not all the character work so test it before you publish again.




Event ID 10 – Windows Management Instrumentation

Whenever I scroll true the Windows Event Logs I have the tendency to try to get rid of all the nice red error en yellow warning messages. They appear for a reason and if it’s possible I always like to fix it. 

Sometimes I notice a WMI error with event ID 10 in the Application Log section. It seems to appear every time the system reboots.

 Event filter with query “SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA “Win32_Processor” AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99″ could not be reactivated in namespace “//./root/CIMV2” because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.


What is WMI?
WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation and let you control certain tasks or read information of a local or remote system. Here you find more information about WMI. ttp://


How to fix it?
There are two ways of fixing this,

  1. Boot in Safe mode
  2. Stop the “Windows Management Instrumentation Service”
  3. And take ownership of the folder or the contents of the folder “C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository”
  4. Restart the system and notice it will not come back. The old messages stay until you delete them.

The method Microsoft gives us is by a VB script. This will script will fix the error but will not stop WMI functionality it continue to work as long as the Windows Service is started. 

  1. Copy and paste the script below in a text file and rename the extention *.txt to *.vbs
  2. Run it and a few popups with interesting reading flash by, just click ok a few times.
  3. Restart the system and you notice the message is not appearing any more.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\subscription")

Set obj1 = objWMIService.Get("__EventFilter.Name='BVTFilter'")

set obj2set = obj1.Associators_("__FilterToConsumerBinding")

set obj3set = obj1.References_("__FilterToConsumerBinding")

For each obj2 in obj2set
                WScript.echo "Deleting the object"
                WScript.echo obj2.GetObjectText_

For each obj3 in obj3set
                WScript.echo "Deleting the object"
                WScript.echo obj3.GetObjectText_

WScript.echo "Deleting the object"
WScript.echo obj1.GetObjectText_