Tag Archives: SSP

Problems while creating a Shared Service Provider

The other day I was at a client and had to create a new SSP (Shared Service Provider) for their MOSS 2007 environment. I did this a hundred times so I started with my famouse smile. After creating the SSP I got an error that it was created but not functioning fully and would try so now and than to see if I fixt the problem.

Their was one small catch here that I never seen before. The client was part of an Active Directory that shared multiple domains. Their for I had to login with username@aliasdomain. After many coffees, auches and almost grey hairs I got in tough with Paddy a SharePoint specialist from Microsoft who found the key to solve this mistery. He found out that the account for the application pool in IIS (Internet information Server) was resolved as DOMAIN\username@aliasdomain when the SSP thried to create itself.

This gave a major problem. As soon as I changed the pool accounts true operations >> service accounts from the central administration console, to username@aliasdomain the SSP finished his final creation and was ready to use. I’ve could have used the pre windows 2000 name as well DOMAIN\username_aliasdomain but the problem here is that the final part of the name is broken off as their are to many caracters.

Anyways It worked and made me happy from now on if I get in tough with alias domain hosing I recomend to shorten the domain names manually to username@aliasdomain.

Paddy, thanks again.