Tag Archives: Hide notivications

Hide LinkedIn notifications

Since I’m quite active on LinkedIn keeping my business network active and expand it with useful contacts and all I keep track of my business buddies and their notifications as well.

LinkedIn has a nice feature that you can connect your Twitter account or by the a browser bar post directly on LinkedIn and share cool and interesting things with your network. Only with everything it’s cool until you over do it. I love ice-cream but 20 on a day is too much. Now one of my contacts is flooding LinkedIn with practically anything he loves to share with the world. Maybe it works for him but not for me. If you got one of the guys as your contact here’s how to hide just his LinkedIn notifications and clean up your homepage a bit.

I’s all very simple, just hover over one of the posts and in the right top corner the word hide appears in light gray. Just click it and voila all the messages are gone. Hope this tip can help you to good use.